iFREE IoT Solutions


Other Business

iFREE IoT Solutions

We offer the ultimate solutions to fulfill your global IoT needs.
iFREE IoT Solutions enable you to connect people and things anywhere, anytime within its  reliable and efficient network at a local cost. The solutions also make visualizing manegement and regular settlements possible for every owner.

IoT 全球物联解决方案


Solutions Advantages


Smart and Reliable Connectivity

Network quality has always been the primary issue facing overseas IoT operations. iFREE makes sure that the best connectivity service is provided by teaming up with the best carriers around the globe whilst leveraging the global network quality database and intelligent network technology.


网络质量一直是海外物联网运营需要面临的首要问题,一旦选定特定运营商,将不可避免遇到在某些地方存在网络覆盖差的问题。iFREE IoT解决方案:与当地最佳运营商合作,通过丰富的全球网络质量数据库,运用智能网络技术,为用户提供最好的网络数据服务,让设备“永远在线”。

Scenarios-based Solution

The iFREE IoT solution is not a one-size-fits-all solution. On the contrary, it is specifically divided into multiple levels and configurations in terms of security, concurrency and traffic requirement. Our goal is to help our customers adapt their business to different scenarios and to ensure their needs are met. The iFREE IoT Solution can be adjusted flexibly to meet the requirements of high security, large concurrency an high traffic in scenarios such as edge computing, and also support high security, low concurrency, and low traffic scenarios such as smart agriculture.


传统方案只能针对特定场景或部分场景。iFREE IoT解决方案创新采用多融合技术,将安全性、并发性和流量要求划分为多个级别和多种配置,可以根据实际业务应用场景需求,进行选配和使用,并可根据业务变化,进行灵活调整,即可满足边缘计算等场景下的高安全、大并发、大流量的要求,也支持智慧农业等的高安全、低并发、低流量的场景。

Fexible and highly compatible

The iFREE IoT solution enables our customers to achieve real-time global connectivity by providing a variety of product forms to choose from, including SIM, eSIM, vSIM, vSIM-integrated communication modules and USB internet sticks, etc. Our customers can simply choose a product form according to the actual situation without the attempt to redesign the device.


物联网设备呈现多样化特点,传统方案仅支持通信模块+SIM的形态,灵活性不足。iFREE IoT解决方案提供多种产品形态可选,支持SIM、eSIM、vSIM、整合vSIM的通信模组和USB上网棒等多种产品形态,用户可根据现有设备的实际需求,灵活选择使用相应的产品形态,无需对设备进行重新设计,即时实现全球物联连接。

Flexible Billing

The iFREE IoT solution provides an on-demand and flexible expansion of the data package usage mode.Users can select billing packages or data plans based on their actual needs and also monitor the device remotely.


通常,在运营商处购买的物联网套餐,购买之后只能按照对应的套餐进行使用,无法进行灵活扩展,超出套餐后的流量费用较高。iFREE IoT解决方案提供按需灵活扩展的流量套餐使用模式,用户可以在初始不指定对应的套餐量,在实际使用一段时间后,根据实际用量,动态选择计费套餐,同时,还提供流量池方案,再也无需为选择套餐而烦恼。所有管控都提供远程可视化操控,随时随地,了解您的设备情况。

International Services Provider

Relying on the global service capabilities of iFREE GROUP, we provide cooperative marketing services worldwide, after-sales support services, global 24h online services and multi-language services.


依托于iFREE GROUP的全球服务能力,我们提供多国本地合作营销、售后支持服务和全球24h在线服务,提供多种语言服务能力。

Our Strengths


iFREE GROUP continues to promote the development of global IoT applications, comprehensively integrates global IoT networks, global market business development and service capabilities, and provides service support for the development and expansion of IoT enterprises. The business involves smart cities, border computing agriculture, Vehicle networking, intelligence and other fields. Using the physical services provided by iFREE can improve the expansion efficiency of IoT enterprises and save operating costs.

iFREE GROUP持续推进全球物联网应用的发展,依托于全球物联网络的整合能力和全球市场业务拓展及售后服务能力,为物联网企业发展全球化业务提供了强有力的支持,业务领域涉及智慧城市、边缘计算、车联网、智慧农业等多领域。采用iFREE提供的物联网服务,可有效提升物联网企业全球化效率,节省运营成本。

Our global on-demand connectivity not only supports devices connection for companies in the IoT industry, but also fulfills their needs for on-demand operation of the global connection. iFREE offers resale services for global connectivity, which makes cooperation with companies in IoT industry possible. We aspire to provide further and continuous network services to our end users.


With our online connectivity management services, you can monitor and analyze data usage and device deployment. At the same time, we cooperate with HUAWEI CLOUD, Amazon AWS and Azure to provide you with global deployment and access capabilities for business services, making your management more refined, services more accurate, and business more comprehensive.

当然,我们提供在线连接管理服务,客户能实时监控其设备连接情况,分析流量使用和设备部署情况。同时,我们与阿里云、华为云、Amazon AWS、Azure等主流云服务商合作,为您提供业务服务全球部署和接入能力,使您的管理更精细,服务更精准,业务更全面。

The always-stay-connected service not only ensures uninterrupted connectivity during data plan validity, but also the capability to manage and monitor the device remotely. That is to say, users can still change the network or reload data plans to the device during use based on their actual needs.

iFREE GROUP 提供的永久在线服务不仅仅指套餐有效期内的网络永久在线,在套餐结束后,对应设备的基础远程管控能力仍然保持在线,以确保设备的再次启用。在此期间,客户根据业务发展需要,仍可以对相关设备执行网络变更、流量追加等,进一步提升物联网厂商的服务能力。

Using the traditional standard OTA technology and following GSM AeUICC related technical standards, all the iFREE products support remote code numbers management. It allows users to manage operator code numbers over the air so that all IoT devices can still enjoy local tariffs, which helps our user save operational expenses and empowers them to grow their business.

iFREE GROUP提供的全系列产品均支持远程码号管理,遵循传统标准OTA技术、GSM AeUICC相关技术标准,可以支持运营商码号的空中管理,让所有物联网设备均可享受本地资费,有效节省运营资金,赋能企业发展。

Connecting Everything
Like The Universe Does

iFREE GROUP has always been committed to simplifying international communication and connectivity.
Our goal is to push the international development of the IoT industry by making the networking capabilities of devices easier and simpler.


iFREE GROUP一直以来持续致力于简化国际通信连接,通过让设备的联网能力越来越简单,从而推进物联网行业的国际化发展。

Simplifying Product Form

From SIM, eSIM to vSIM, we provide a variety of product forms to help devices realize simpler networking capabilities, making design simpler and production easier. It also allows operations only stay in the cloud and helps to save costs, improve efficiency, and accelerate equipment globalization.



Use Anywhere, Anytime

The convenience of plug-and-play further simplifies the connection process of the device, without design changes, and integrates connection capabilities according to existing device design methods, effectively improving service capabilities, reducing implementation time and costs, and effectively promoting business development.



Connecting Flexibly

We have visualised the way we manage data connectivity in order to greatly improve the capability of connection. With this service, users can control the data flow based on their actual needs and analyse the use of data in real time.



Products and Services


Product name:
International IoT SIM Card
Applicable to:
Existing communication module
Embedding way:
Plug and play. The card slot supports 2FF/3FF/4FF.
Product introduction:
Standard SIM card with pre-paid global ICCID.It will adjust the operator automatically according to business configuration after it has been activated for the first time.
Product name:
eSIM patch card
Applicable to:
Device with the new design. Specific eSIM interface is required.
Embedding way:
Production package, support DFN8 package, 56 and 22 sizes, industrial and consumer grades are available.
Product introduction:
Standard eUICC and SMD eSIM are optional;
The standard eUICC card adopts the GSMARSP specification, supports global operators' independent code number download management through the SM-DP+ platform, and is suitable for Consumer consumer devices, such as wearable products;
The patch-type eSIM is a standard SIM card in the form of an eSIM package. It uses its own OTA protocol to update the code number and only supports operators within the scope of cooperation.
eSIM 贴片卡
Product name:
vSIM SDK kit
Applicable to:
Existing device/device to be released soon/new device.
Embedding way:
Soft SIM, not in a physical form. The vSIM SDK kit only occupies the module storage space.
Product introduction:
iFREE vSIM SDK kit (also known as soft SIM) can be customized according to the communication module selected by the manufacturer. On the one hand, it supports downloading the SDK kit to the module during production; in addition, it also supports wired Support the upgrade of existing equipment in a way.
非物理形态,软件,vSIM SDK套件仅占用模组存储空间
iFREE vSIM SDK套件(亦称软SIM),可根据厂商已选定的通信模组进行定制,一方面,支持在生产时将该SDK套件下载到模组中;另外,也支持通过有线方式进行已有设备的升级支持。
Product name:
USB internet stick and MOGO S2 MiFi
Applicable to:
Existing device/scenarios that require large flow of data
Embedding way:
USB interface and Type-C interface
Product introduction:
SB internet stick only supports stand-alone use, MOGO S2 MiFi can be used by multiple devices in the coverage area at the same time through WiFi wireless connection. We use 4G system and can provide super large flow.
USB上网棒 & MOGO S2 MiFi
USB 接口和Type-C 接口
USB上网棒仅支持单机使用,MOGO S2 MiFi通过WiFi无线连接方式,可供覆盖范围内多台设备同时使用。采用4G制式,提供超大流量。
Only 4 simple steps to complete product access:
1. Please leave your contact information, our sales staff will contact you; Alternatively, please contact us by phone at 852 2473 8888.
If you seek partnership with us, please send an e-mail to enquiry@ifreegroup.com.
If you have any questions about our products or services, please send an e-mail to ask@ifreegroup.com.
2. After the requirements are confirmed and the NDA agreement is signed, we will send you a test SIM card, create a test account, you can perform the corresponding test, and view the relevant test data on our cloud management terminal;
3. If the test meets your requirements, you can place an order to purchase our products and services. We will arrange delivery and provide integrated cooperation for you as soon as we have received your order;
4. After the equipment is produced and deployed to the corresponding area, the equipment can be connected to the network when it is turned on. You can check and understand the usage status of the equipment at any time through the services we provide.
Tel: +852 2473 8888
Partnership With Us: enquiry@ifreegroup.com
CS Support: ask@ifreegroup.com