The MOGO Travelution™ Platform

iFREE MOGO is a next generation Travelution platform supporting global consumers, especially frequent travellers, with global connectivity. MOGO's focus is to deliver a seamless O2O user experience by providing travel benefits and conveniences to our customers wherever they are. MOGO lives up to its name and mission by providing ‘Mobile On The Go: More On The Go' connections worldwide.

The MOGO Travelution™ 平台

iFREE MOGO作为新一代全球连接的旅行解决方案平台,适用于全球客户,尤其是常旅客。MOGO系列产品专注于提供无缝的O2O用户体验,让我们的客户无论身处何地都能享受到旅行优惠和便利。MOGO无愧于它的名字和使命‘Mobile On The Go: More On The Go',在全球范围内提供更多优质的连接服务。


MOGO APP Overview

The MOGO App offers global on-demand 4G data connectivity solutions covering over 200 countries, along with voice call and messaging features at highly competitive rates. In comparison to other traditional roaming options, MOGO users are able to enjoy more flexible data plans tailored to individual usage behaviours, with better coverage and call quality, thanks to our global strategic partnership network with over 800+ operators from around the world.

New Subscription Feature

To cater frequent travellers’ routine, the new MOGO App update comes with a new subscription feature that eliminates the need to manually purchase data packages every time. Once the subscription function is enabled, the MOGO App will be able to detect a user’s location and select the right data package automatically for immediate use. Exclusive for MOGO subscribers with a small monthly fee, they can receive direct calls on their mobile phone via a temporarily assigned local number in selected countries.


MOGO APP 的移动4G通信解决方案覆盖超200个国家及地区,除此之外,我们还为旅客提供价格优惠、高效便利的语音通话及信息功能。MOGO与全球800余家供应商达成战略合作关系,力求更广阔的覆盖范围以及更优质的通话质量。得益于此,我们的用户可根据自己的使用习惯灵活选择套餐,享受与传统漫游方式大不相同的优质服务。


为满足常旅客需要,MOGO 推出自动订购服务。启用该功能后,APP将自动检测旅客定位,激活当地套餐,旅客无需手动购买即可马上使用当地网络。另外我们还为MOGO用户特别提供本地号码服务,购买成功后,在有效期范围内用户可使用该号码收发电话及短信。