On 24 August 2022, the 8th WRE Retail Digital Transformation Summit, co-organized by WRE World Retail Elite, the Shanghai Business Economics Association and the Yangtze River Delta Business Economic Alliance, was held in Shanghai with the theme "Digital Reconstruction and Innovation in Retail". The summit discussed the development of digital transformation and the digital marketing trends in retail industries, and opportunities in the New Retail era attended by more than 200 senior executives from the consumer goods industry, including Freshippo, L’Oréal, Shiseido and Sephora, as well as top digital transformation service providers such as SF Technology and Lenovo.
TROLLEE won the Best Retail Technology Award, issued by WRE World Retail Elite, a leading consulting company that reports and advises on the digital transformation of retail enterprises, publishing a series of comprehensive and in-depth research and insights. The annual Retail Digital Transformation and Innovation Awards Ceremony was held during the summit, and TROLLEE CEO, Soh Wei Hong, accepted the Best Retail Technology Award. TROLLEE’s booth at the venue attracted many attendees who showed great interest.
2022年8月24日,由WRE World Retail Elite、雅各布专栏、上海商业经济学会与长三角商业经济联盟共同主办的“第八届WRE零售数字化转型峰会” 在上海圆满落下帷幕。本届峰会以“零售业的数字化重构与创新”为主题,邀约超过200位零售与消费品企业精英,包括盒马、欧莱雅、资生堂、丝芙兰等消费品行业高层,以及顺丰科技、联想等顶尖数字化转型服务商,共商零售业数字化转型发展之道,探索新消费时代的数字营销趋势与发展机遇。 多利GO荣获由WRE颁发的 最佳零售技术创新引领奖。WRE是一家行业领先的谘询公司,始终聚焦零售企业数字化转型,发表了一系列全面、深入的行业研究和洞察。WRE年度零售数字化转型与创新奖颁奖典礼在峰会期间同步举行,多利GO CEO 苏维锋亲临现场,与参会嘉宾一同分享对于零售数字化的独特见解。众多零售商及品牌商来到多利GO展台参观,他们纷纷对多利GO的创新零售数字化解决方案表达了浓厚的兴趣。