TROLLEE Has Done It Again! Another prestigious win at Asia Future FMCG Innovation Summit


TROLLEE won the Most Innovative Digital Solutions of the Year Award during the 3rd Asia Future FMCG Innovation Summit and Festival 2022 (FUTURE FMCG 2022), held on 25-27 August in Guangzhou. The event was organised by CDMC Group and CRRI, with Boston consulting Group as Intellectual Supporting Partner. CDMC Retail Research Institute (CRRI) is a research-oriented new media platform dedicated to providing in-depth analysis and reports on the retail/consumer goods industry and a leading trade show for the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) retail sector.

With the theme “Stay Relevant to Consumers and Co-create Sustainable Growth”, the summit gathered more than 400 FMCG professionals discussing the long-term value and sustainability of FMCG brands in this turbulent and evolving era. The award ceremony was held during the FMCG gala dinner during which Henry Huang, CTO of TROLLEE received the award for Most Innovative Digital Solutions of the Year.

Established in 2004, CDMC Group was originally born out of the integration of an international business exchange team under a central government think tank and a Singaporean international conference company, and is the only technology-based and research-based international conference organisation listed on the New Third Board in China.  

8月25-27日,由决策者零售研究院和决策者智库主办,波士顿谘询公司支持的2022第三届亚洲快消品行业创新峰会暨Future FMCG创新节(Future FMCG 2022)在广州盛大开幕。期间,由决策者零售研究院(CRRI)发起的Future FMCG 2022年度创新者颁奖盛典同步举行,多利GO凭藉智慧购物车商超数字化解决方案的创新成果,在Future FMCG年度创新者单项奖评选中荣膺Future FMCG 2022 年度数字化创新解决方案奖。 决策者零售研究院是决策者智库旗下的研究型新媒体平台,专注于零售与消费品行业的深度分析报导与行业峰会活动。 本届峰会以“回归消费者价值 共创可持续增长”为主题,邀约超过400位快消领域专家共同探索新消费时代动荡与变化中快消品牌的长期价值与可持续性。 多利GO CTO 黄勇出席了本次晚宴,并作为代表领取大会授予的“年度数字化创新解决方案奖”奖杯。 决策者智库成立于2004 年,最初源于一个中央政府智囊机构下属国际商业交流团队和一家新加坡国际会议公司的整合,是国内唯一一家新三板挂牌的科技型和研究型国际会议机构。