iFREE GROUP Travelution division through our associate company, iFREE GROUP Travel is involved in this year’s Malaysia International Furniture Fair (MIFF), held from the 6th till 9th July 2022 in two iconic venues, The Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre (Mitec) and The World Trade Centre (WTCKL) in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. An event fully endorsed by several government ministries and the Malaysia Tourism Board.
MIFF is the largest furniture fair in South-East Asia, attracting 600+ exhibitors and over 20,000 trade visitors and buyers from all over the world.
iFREE GROUP Travel acts as the Destination Management Company, taking care of foreign visitors’ air tickets, accommodation and other services such as excursions, incentive tours around the regions after the exhibition as our part in promoting beautiful Malaysia.
Travelution division's participation is to ensure all visitors are securely connected using our Mogo S reusable data cards and promoting our unique products from SIM cards to routers and other travel accessories to the local visitors for their travels in the coming months with the world’s borders slowly opening up.
爱讯集团Travelution 公司出席了由2022年7月6-9日,在马来西亚吉隆坡的马来西亚国际贸易与展览中心和太子世界贸易中心所举办的马来西亚国际家具博览会(MIFF)。此博览会是由多个政府部门和马来西亚旅游局主办。 MIFF 是东南亚地区最大的家具博览会,吸引了超过600家参展商和全球超过20,000名参展者出席。 爱讯集团Travelution 公司作为旅程管理公司,帮助海外旅客订机票、住宿和其他活动如短途旅行和在吉隆坡的景点行程等,以推广马来西亚的美好生活。 爱讯集团Travelution 公司的参与亦确保旅客们能使用我们的MOGO S全球数据卡,达至全球连接安全网络。同时我们推广自家的各种独特旅游产品,如随身路由器和旅游用品等,让旅客们能为接下来全球逐渐开放后的旅程做好准备。