iFREE GROUP attended the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Annual Summit and Adventure Mart in Pokhara Nepal, 29 May to 2 June2023, as a Board Member. The 300 delegates at the PATA Annual Summit Board Meetings and Ministerial Conferences set the agenda for Asia-Pacific travel and tourism for the year ahead which are then aligned with the United Nations World Tourism Organization goals.
During the trip to Nepal, the MOGO S2 mobile Wi-Fi was tested and performed faster and more securely than any other SIM and also most 5-star hotels in-house Wi-Fi. The package will now be added to our Global and Asia plans on the MOGO App.
iFREE GROUP are also a leading sponsor and supporter of the PATA Youth Symposium and this year had over 250 students studying degrees inhospitality and tourism attend. iFREE GROUP did a keynote presentation on the future of AI in the tourism industry and showcased our advances and proof of concept with examples from TROLLEE and our exping map marker App. Both received very strong interest from both students and industry executives with iFREE GROUP being commended by PATA Chairman and the CEO of Nepal Tourism Board for our support.
iFREE GROUP 作为董事会成员参加了 2023 年 5 月 29 日至 6 月 2 日在尼泊尔博卡拉举行的亚太旅游协会 (PATA) 年度峰会和 Adventure Mart。 300名代表参加了 PATA 年度峰会董事会会议和部长级会议,为来年制定了亚太地区旅游业的议程,然后与联合国世界旅游组织的目标保持一致。
在尼泊尔旅行期间,MOGO S2经过测试,性能比任何其他 SIM 卡和大多数 5 星级酒店内部 Wi-Fi 都更快、更安全。该套餐现在将添加到我们在 MOGO 应用程序上的全球和亚洲计划中。
iFREE GROUP 也是PATA 青年研讨会的主要赞助商和支持者,今年有超过 250 名攻读酒店和旅游学位的学生参加。 iFREEGROUP 就人工智能在旅游业的未来进行了主题演讲,并展示了我们的* TROLLEE 和Exping地图标记应用程序为例。 * 两者都引起了学生和行业高管的强烈兴趣,iFREE GROUP 受到 PATA 主席和尼泊尔旅游局首席执行官的赞扬,感谢我们的支持。